Absences / Attendance

The Education Act regulations state that no child shall be absent from school without sufficient reason.  Parents are required to inform the school : a telephone call or email . Should these not be possible, then a note of explanation prior or after an absence is required.


It helps a child settle to their daily routine to be well in time for the school day, which starts at 8.50 am.  We’d appreciate if children were not at school before 8.15 am.


School assemblies are usually held every second Monday afternoon at 2.00pm in Pukeoware Hall.  All learners receiving a certificate will be notified in the newsletter on the Thursday prior to assembly.   Each week, a different class will lead assembly.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend assemblies.

Behaviour Code

We have a school wide behaviour guideline which aims at developing shared ownership and responsibility for behaviour. This articulates that each learner, parent and team member have Rights, as well as Responsibilities.


It is a goal of the school is to work with whānau to ensure any inappropriate behaviour is acted upon in a respectful and constructive manner. If inappropriate behaviour is ongoing or serious, parents are notified, with a possible meeting scheduled. Serious misconduct can lead to suspension and expulsion.  The Board of Trustees will get involved at this stage. All Ministry of Education guidelines are strictly adhered to.  We appreciate parents supporting the school’s stance on inappropriate behaviour.

School Rules

Our rules are summarised by:

1. Be Kind

2. Be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.

3. And are based on respect, co operation and honesty.

Book Club

The school encourages children to purchase from the Scholastic Book Club.  They are inexpensive by today's standards and fulfil a very useful purpose.  The school receives a small commission on sales.  All children will receive sales brochures (normally twice a term) and the closing date for each order will be advertised in the school newsletter. 

Orders can be placed via school or online.

Calf Club / Gala Day

This is a special feature of a country school and an important community event. Children are encouraged to rear a calf, lamb, goat or chicken for showing on this day or to bring a pet for the Pet Section. All children are also expected to participate in the indoor exhibits. Calf Club is usually held on the Saturday before the end of Term 3.

The Gala Committee is responsible for the running of the Gala day and assistance and support from the community is appreciated.  As it is classed as a school day, pupils are urged to attend.


Our Year 7 & 8 students attend camp every second year, usually for four nights.  Our Year 5 & 6 students will also attend a camp for 2 nights. These camps encourage pupil development and achievement and have related themes such as aquatics. 

We are fortunate to have staff that are keen on outdoor education and a supportive crew of parents. Camp is a great way to get involved. Camps are held every two years, next camps booked for 2025.

For any parent wishing to stay overnight at camp, a Police Check will be required. (Vulnerable Children Act 2014)


A choir is formed yearly. Because of its popularity, numbers have to be limited to senior pupils. Children from Years 4 – 8 may take part in a simple audition.

Some years we also participate in the Kids for Kids Choir Festival and the APPA Music Festival. Performances for other community groups may also be arranged.

Class Trips

As part of class programmes, visits are sometimes undertaken by classes or syndicates. These are valuable extensions of children’s understanding of themselves and of the world they live in, often lead to stimulating follow up work and offer a “hands on” approach to learning. 

When trips involve parents driving children to and from venues, cars must be roadworthy - holding a current warrant of fitness, the driver licensed and children in seat belts (not lap belts). Some trips will use a bus.

The cost of these will often be covered by the Governments Donation scheme that Pukeoware School has adopted, however for some activities outside the criteria of the Donations scheme there remains a charge for participating.  All trip money needs to go through your child’s teacher.

We aim that no less than six weeks’ notice will be given as notification for upcoming trips.


Please be aware that for some events, Police Vetting may be required.


Adult – Student Ratio’s

To ensure that all children are safe we adhere to strict ratios. We establish ratio numbers for every activity on a case by case basis taking into account the age and needs of the students, the nature of the activity, the location, and the competence of the students and staff involved.  If we are unable to meet the ratio for trips, these will have to be cancelled

Common Diseases

Period of exclusion from school:

Doctor’s advice should be sought in all cases.  The Public Health Nurse can also be approached.

Communicating with Parents - Facebook, Website and Dojo

This website is regularly maintained and the calendar located within this site is updated Sunday evening before the following week for up to date happenings in the school. 

Our school Facebook site is updated regularly and is a great place to seek information.  If you have something to contribute, please message our Facebook manager.

Our classrooms also use Class Dojo to communicate and share learning instantly with families.

Computers / eLearning

Computers are an integral part of our programme. We endeavour to expand pupils’ knowledge and experience in this field and all children will develop computer literacy as they move through the school.

Use of the Internet is monitored by staff and parents and children are asked to sign a user consent form.

Bring Your Own Device

From Year 5 – 8, we encourage learners to bring their own device for learning. Prior to a device being brought to school, a BYOD Agreement is required to be completed.

Concerns From Parents 

From time to time, parents and caregivers will have concerns that need to be resolved. Below are the guidelines of the complaints / concerns procedure:

Step 1

Where possible communicate with the teacher or staff member regarding your concern. We do not support a direct approach to another child or parent.

Step 2

If after a direct approach from Step 1, the concern remains unresolved, then contact will often be made with the Syndicate Leader or Deputy Principal.

Step 3

If the matter remains unresolved after contact with the Deputy Principal, then contact should be made to the Principal. Should the situation require, a written statement / complaint may be made at this time. This may be used by the Principal for discussion with the Senior Leadership Team and Board Chairperson.

Step 4

Where an initial concern is considered serious, the complainant should meet with the Principal.  It is advisable to lodge concerns / complaints in writing to the Principal at this time.

Step 5

If the matter remains unresolved after contact with the Principal, then a written account may be made to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Step 6

A concern against the Principal or if the concern has not been addressed, a written account should be addressed to the Board Chairperson.

All staff will be sensitive to the issues of professional integrity and respect matters of confidentiality and privacy at all times.


As our school is near a busy main road, cycling is recommended only for pupils in Year 5 and over. It is compulsory that all cyclists wear approved safety helmets.

Dental Clinic

The children from Pukeoware School are looked after by the View Road Dental Clinic – Ph: 09 236 5180.

A screening programme is set up at school whereby all children are checked at school by dental therapists and only those requiring treatment to see the Dental Nurse.

Educational Services

The school maintains contact with and utilises where necessary, a variety of outside specialised agencies. These include:

Please contact us if you’d like to access these services.


Our e-mail address is


While Pukeoware School does have an enrolment zone, enquiries from out of zone families is welcomed.  Please feel free to contact the Principal or Office at any time about your enrolment queries.

School Donation / Fundraising

From 2020, Pukeoware school entered into the Government School Donations scheme, therefore most activities will have no cost to families in 2023. However, there are some extra curricular opportunities where a charge may still apply for students. 

We do participate in some school fundraising to supplement funds

First Aid

Should a child suffer an accident at school he/she will be attended to and if it is felt a doctor’s advice is necessary then parents will be contacted immediately. If parents cannot be contacted the child will be taken to the Waiuku Medical Centre.

Please advise the school if pupils need to take any medication during the day. This is especially important for asthmatics or children with allergies. Be aware also that we are not entitled to give pupils any medication without prior permission of the caregiver. It is crucial that the school is aware of student health issues.


Please provide your child with a school hat in summer (Terms 1 & 4). The school provides sunscreen. Children who don’t have a sunhat will have to play in shady areas.

Home Helpers / Parent Helpers

If you have a particular talent or would just like to “muck in” around the school – you are always welcome!   We like to have parents assisting at school. Teachers may also require parent help for some extracurricular activities. Please contact the Deputy Principal, Syndicate Leader or classroom teachers f you would like to support in the classroom. 


At times it is necessary for children to get practice, or consolidate skills taught or to prepare for work in the future.  It is very beneficial for pupils to read each day.  Often children need to learn spelling and basic facts in maths.  If you have any worries about your child and homework, see the teacher concerned. 

At the senior level, homework is set according to individual teachers.

In the junior classes, reading will be sent home Monday to Thursday.  

Please support your child's progress by making this an enjoyable time.


The School opens at 8:15am.  We like the children to be at school by 8.45am so they have time to organise themselves before school.

8.15am: School opens

8.50am: School commences

10.45 – 11.15am: Morning interval

12.45–1.30pm: Lunch time

2.50pm: School closes


These have been introduced so that children of all ages can interact and to build leadership and a sense of community. Children are divided evenly between Kaha (Green), Aroha (Yellow), Mana (Red) and Toa (Blue) houses, led by House Captains. House activities include duties, sports, educational and cultural activities.


At times parents may feel they need to seek clarification for things that are done or happen at school. Staff are happy to see parents to discuss pupils in their care. Contact the school to arrange a suitable time. If you are still concerned after seeing the teacher, please contact a Syndicate Leader (Jodi Hermond – Middle/Senior School or Anna Kelso– Junior School).


The school policy is that no make up or jewellery (other than ear studs and watches) are worn.

Leaving School / Late Arrival

If your child is late to school, please escort them to the office and sign them in.

If you require to pick them up early, please sign them out of the school in the office.


The library is an excellent resource and all children are encouraged to take books out. Children may take out two books at a time.  They are issued for two weeks.  Please ensure your children return books on time.  Book bags are purchased when children start school.  These must be used to protect books.  Senior children may apply to be trained as Librarians each year.

Lost Property

All clothing and footwear should be named. Parents are welcome to check in the lost property box by Room 3. Unclaimed clothing will be given to charitable organisations at the end of term.

Manual / Technology

Each term (approximately 4 times) the Year 7 & 8 pupils go by bus to View Road School for tuition in aspects of technology. Partial fees are covered through the Government Donation scheme, however there remains an annual fee of $30 per child to cover cost of materials used. Suitable footwear is essential.  All children must return to school by bus which leaves View Road at 2pm.

Prize Giving 

This is held in the last week of school.  Class prizes to be awarded:

Students also have the opportunity to receive cups, these are given out to students who either achieve success at internal or external events held at the school or within the community, as well as for consistent behaviour and academic achievement throughout the year. 

PTA – Parent Teacher Association

This is a great opportunity for parents to work with the staff for the benefit of the school community.  The PTA works in close liaison with the staff and Board of Trustees and is a vibrant organisation that allows parents to be active within the school. Recent successes have included running our gala days, building the new playground and shade areas, a new sandpit and a variety of school equipment, providing laptops, helping towards camps etc., community barbecues, social events and revamping gardens.

Special Needs

We have a Special Education Needs coordinator (SENCO) who will co ordinate help for students assessed to have special needs. Pukeoware SENCO is Jodi Hermond (Deputy Principal)

Physical Education

The school expects all children to participate in Phys Ed lessons. Children should bring appropriate clothing to school – e.g. shorts if children are playing on the field at lunchtimes / for sports etc. If you wish your child excused for health reasons, a note is required (this includes swimming).

Piano, Drum and Guitar Lessons

Qualified music teachers come into the school once a week to give private piano, drum and guitar lessons to those children interested. Contact the school office for details.

The Middle/Senior School classes participate in weekly Ukulele lessons with Caro. 

Police Vetting

Under Part 3 of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, all children’s workers must be police vetted as part of a safety check. A children’s worker is anyone whose work involves regular or overnight contact with children, takes place without parents or guardians being present, and is paid or undertaken as part of an educational or training course. A police vet must be obtained before the children’s worker starts work.


Police vets must be renewed every three years.



As part of the Board of Trustee’s responsibility they institute policies which are binding on parents/pupils/staff of the school. As the situation demands, these policies are implemented/amended to meet the changing needs of the school. Parents are welcome to view any School Policy via School Docs (please see BOT page).

Reporting to Parents 

Meet the Teacher Evening  / Open Evening:

Held in Term One to meet the parents and share expectations of the class and learn more of the children.

Mid-Year Reports (All)

These are sent home at the end of Term Two to reflect on the progress of the children in the core areas and are aligned with the Curriculum Expectations.

Learning Conferences (All)

These are held at the end of Term One, Two and Three to support student’s learning and progress by ensuring parents know where their children are working at and what their next learning steps are, as well as how parents can help at home.

End of Year Report (All):

These are sent home at the end of Term Four to reflect on the progress of the children in the core areas and are aligned with the Curriculum Expectations.


The school is always on the lookout for sources of paper, card and other material such as newspapers, magazines, material and wool. If you could help in that area please do so. We are thankful for these resources.

Road Safety

Senior children are trained as Traffic Wardens by the police to help with safe crossing after school. It is essential that crossing rules are obeyed by everyone, including adults, to ensure the safety of our children.

School Facilities

The school and grounds are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. The community is welcome to use the outside facilities and to assume some responsibility in ensuring it is cared for. Contact the Principal if you wish to use facilities.

School Reports (see Reporting to Parents)

Written interview reports are issued mid-year and another in-depth report at the end of the year.

They objectively inform parents as to a child’s progress socially and academically. Parent interviews are available after interview reports are issued mid-year. 

Smoke / Alcohol Free School

Pukeoware School is a designated smoke / alcohol free zone.  Smoking outside the school entrances is discouraged. 

Special Events

Our school may take part in annual speech contests, Mathex and other charitable occasions.

We often have other events such as productions, a concert, and Book week. We have also in the past few years had talent quest, syndicate and end of year picnics, school prizegivings and a Year 8 leaving outing. These functions and format will change yearly.

Our school is part of the Waiuku Group of schools and we have a time tabled agenda of sporting and cultural events that we participate in with other local schools. Our Year 8’s participate in dancing in the 4th term, culminating with a school social at the end of the year.


Parents are actively encouraged to have their children play some form of sport.  Parental coaching is done in netball and soccer at our school at present.  Local clubs coach rugby, soccer, hockey, gymnastics, cricket, swimming, athletics, table tennis, BMX and other sports.  They do a very worthwhile and appreciated job in providing out of school sport for those children who are interested.  We participate in regular Waiuku area interschool days and special tournaments also.

The Netball Club is autonomous of the school but has a high degree of cooperation with it.


A stationery list is supplied at the end of each school year with requirements for the commencement of the following year.  We currently operate online ordering through a local company owned by the Deed family, ‘Action Office Products Depot’:  http//  


The school holds stocks of the most commonly used stationery, but particularly specialty items required by new entrants.  These are sold to pupils, as they are required.  Any profit goes into school funds.


Each year we ask that all parents supply one/two ream of paper per child (depending on year level) attending Pukeoware School.


The office operates from 8:30am until 3:15pm each day.  Our phone number is 235 9443. There is an answerphone where you can leave a message should your call not be answered or you are calling out of office hours.


Children are discouraged from bringing toys to school as they can be broken or lost, causing distress to the child and their family. A great deal of valuable time can also be spent looking for the toy or finding out how it was broken, often with no satisfactory result.


As we cannot be responsible for the custody of valuable articles, pupils are advised not to bring them to school. Children should not have money at school unless for some specific reason. Children are responsible for their own toys if they bring them to school.

Cell phones need to be turned off during school hours. If your child needs to contact someone urgently they can do so at the office.


Visitors are more than welcome at Pukeoware School. It is important that all visitors report to the office in the first instance.