The Board of Trustees is responsible for seven key work areas in the school, which are:

The Board of Trustees is a crown entity and is accountable for the performance of the school to parents, the school community and the crown and in particular, the board is accountable for the on-going improvement of student achievement.

The Board is responsible for designing the future of the school ensuring plans and targets are developed, monitored and reviewed.  The Board ensures decisions are made in the best interests of all students with respect and integrity and ensures culturally appropriate processes are in place.

The Board of Trustees is the employer of all staff at the school and must ensure that all requirements of a good employer are met.

The Board consults with the community as a critical part of developing and monitoring the school charter, and for the Board to be assured that community expectations and aspirations are considered in the decision making process.

The Board communicates with the school community through regular updates on how the school is performing in relation to the charter goals and targets and ensures that effective regular reporting on student achievement occurs.

The Pukeoware School Board of Trustees consists of five parent trustees together with the Principal and one Staff Trustee.

The Pukeoware School Board of Trustees consists of six members elected every three years by parents of the school, the principal and a staff representative. It has the power to co-opt other members if it chooses.

We have enjoyed a very committed and hard working Board in the past who have achieved a lot.  The Board meets monthly. Parents are able to attend these meetings if they so desire. As a courtesy however, informing the Chairperson of intending participation would assist with meeting procedures. Parents may be asked to leave a meeting should a sensitive matter need to be discussed.

Board Minutes are available on this website.

The Board is not responsible for the day to day management of the school and concerns in this area should be referred to the teaching staff and principal. Only when your concerns have not been resolved should there be reference to the Board.


Board meetings are typically held on the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm in Taihiki:

 Board of Trustees Meeting Dates 2024


12 February 2024

11 March 2024

8 April 2024

13 May 2024

10 June 2024

5 August 2024

2 September 2024

4 November 2024

2 December 2024

Actual dates for these meetings, and any changes to them, are published in our school newsletters.  Members of the school community are encouraged to take an active interest in the school and its performance, and are welcome to attend all Board meetings.  Prior notification to the Chair would be appreciated however.


The members of the Board of Trustees for the 2023-2026 triennial term are:

Presiding Member
Nigel Griffiths 

Deputy Chairperson
Kurt Pedersen

Parent Trustee 

 Zane Turner

Parent Trustee
Scott McMahon

Parent Trustee
Stephen Maynard

Co-opt Trustee

Staff Trustee
Jodi Hermond

Malcolm Laurence

Need to contact the Board of Trustees?

Please contact Nigel Griffiths  (Presiding Member) at nigel.g@pukeoware.school.nz 

Strategic and Annual Plan

The Strategic and Annual plans are new planning and reporting frameworks in 2023. How the Strategic and Annual plans are developed are through: 

Te Whakangaarahu Ngaatahi | Planning Together:

Te Whakangaarahu Ngaatahi | Planning Together requires your board to develop:

The first Strategic plan will last 2 years (1 January 2024-31 December 2025), then it will align the strategic planning cycle with board triennial elections.

Pukeoware Strategic Plan 2024 - 2025.pdf

Strategic Plan 2024-2025

Pukeoware Annual Plan 2024.pdf

Annual Plan 2024


We have been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community.

The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.

SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our board of trustees has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented. We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review.

We invite you to visit the site here. Our username is pukeoware.  Please contact the school office for the password.